Mauri Kunnas: The Canine Kalevala
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Joulupuoti Kirjat Koti Lahjapuoti Ulkosuomalaisille WellnessMauri Kunnas: The Canine Kalevala
The Canine National Epic, a thrilling adventure, an heroic tale in the true Kunnas' style
Long, long ago, when the world was still young, there dwelt in the far-off land of Kalevala a tribe of wild and woolly dogs. Their neighbour in the gloomy North was a pack of mean and wicked wolves. Between them lived a small but tough clan of cats. The dogs and wolves vied for sovereignty of the forest, and this often gave rise to some pretty fierce squabblles.
Hardcover, 63 pages.
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0.595 kg
- [240,295,10]